Friday, 29 May 2015

Winter News article!

Walt: To write a news article!

Pt England children speak out about winter!
Byline: Adriel Teremoana, 2015

Pt England students speak out about why school should be closed on rainy day!

Autumn is coming to an end and winter is starting. So these students speak out how it might go on rainy days and in winter! Here are some tips they have come up with when it's a rainy day: Use an Umbrella, get a ride, rain coat or you can get a taxi!

At Pt england school in room 6, some children have been saying that instead of coming to school on rainy days that school should be closed instead of opened. Rosalina a year 6 student from room 6 says” That school should be closed on rainy days because people are getting sick and some children at their school don’t have an umbrella, car, rain coat and they might not have money to afford a taxi!

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